중고계측기 /DMM·LCR·Impedance

[중고계측기] 플루크/ Fluke 8920A True RMS AC Voltmeter/ 볼트메터

코아텍계측기 2014. 3. 10. 14:17






Fluke 8920A


The 8920A True-RMS Digital Voltmeter is an ac voltmeter with 4 digit display, autoranging, and BNC input.

It also has an analog display for peak/null adjustments. The bandwidth is 10Hz to 20MHz.  


 Teur-rms Ac Voltmeter
 Ac or ac+dc measurements
 4-digit display
 Analog display for peak/null adjustments
 Rear panel linear analog output
 Relative dB reference
 2Hz to 20MHz



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