중고계측기 /RF·Wireless

[중고계측기] HP/Agilent 87130A Attenuator/Switch Driver

코아텍계측기 2014. 3. 10. 20:19





The Agilent 87130A is a 3 1/2 inch, full-width System II attenuator/switch driver capable of driving up to 248 bistatic electromechanical switch or attenuator sections. The Agilent 87130A is controlled over GP-IB via Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) commands. It has been designed for use in both ATE switching systems and computer-controlled bench top applications. The Agilent 87130A has no front panel controls. Manual control is realized through an ITG driver and a computer controller. The Agilent 87130A can drive 31 switches via seven additional Agilent 84940A driver cards.

Controls up to 248 switch and/or step attenuator sections
Simple programming through GP-ITG and GP-VEE
Switch position sensing
SCPI compatible
Drive Capacity: Internal Driver: 31 relays; one Agilent 84940A driver card is installed within the instrument
External Drivers: 217 additional relays; up to 7 additional Agilent 84940A driver cards can be daisy-chained external to the Agilent 87130A. Each Agilent 84940A can drive 31 relays
Voltage: +24 V ±3.0 Vdc (Miswiring the +24 V wire will cause catastrophic driver board failure)





*판매가격 :  문의요망/재고 有





전기,전자,통신용 중고계측기 매입/판매 전문 코아텍계측기


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