중고계측기 /기타

Stanford Research Systems SRS SR400 / Gated Photon Counter

코아텍계측기 2022. 3. 10. 09:12

*모델명 : SR400

*제조사 : SRS,Stanford Research Systems

*상  태 : 정상동작하며 외관도 양호함

*판매가 : 필요하신 분은 문의주시기 바랍니다.



Two independent channels

Count rates to 200 MHz

5 ns pulse-pair resolution

Gated and continuous modes

Gate scanning

Built-in discriminators

Gate and discriminator outputs

GPIB and RS-232 interfaces



SRS SR400 / Gated Photon Counter 이미지




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e_mail : ct9508@naver.com

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