중고계측기 /EDS·EMC·EMI

Rohde & Schwarz,R&S ESPI / 9 kHz to 3 GHz EMI Test Receiver, 전자방해잡음 측정계측기

코아텍계측기 2022. 7. 22. 21:20


전자방해잡음 측정장비 판매 -  R&S ESPI / 9 kHz to 3 GHz EMI Test Receiver


*모델명 : ESPI 

*제조사 : Rohde & Schwarz( R&S )

*상  태 : 3GHz 전자방해잡음 측정장비로서 정상동작하며 외관도 양호함

*판매가 : 필요하신 분은 문의주시기 바랍니다.


Excellent test receiver features

*Choice of 7 detectors

*EMI measurement bandwidths 200 Hz, 9 kHz, 120 kHz, 1 MHz

*Pulse weighting with quasi-peak, average and RMS average detector in accordance with the latest CISPR 16-1-1 edition

*For all commercial EMI standards


Extremely high measurement speed

*Measurement times from 100 µs to 100 s

*Option: preselector and 20 dB preamplifier


Spectrum analyzer

*IF resolution bandwidths from 10 Hz to 10 MHz

*Test routines for TOI, ACP, OBW, CCDF


Outstanding performance features

*Total measurement uncertainty – Spectrum analyzer mode: 0.5 dB (without preselection) – Receiver mode: <1.5 dB

*Displayed average noise level (DANL): –155 dBm (1 Hz), f < 1 GHz

*NF = 21.5 dB (12 dB with preamplifier)

*Programmable scan tables

*Limit lines

*Transducer tables and sets

*Brilliant 21 cm TFT color display

*Optimized operating concept owing to decades of experience in EMI test receiver development

*Very high measurement speed

*High measurement accuracy



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*연 락 처 : 010-5410-950팔

*이 메 일 : ct9508@naver.com

*홈페이지 : www.coretech21.com