중고계측기 /Frequency Counter

[중고계측기] Agilent/HP 53210A Universal Frequency Counter

코아텍계측기 2014. 3. 11. 19:34



M.P : 010-오사일공-9508

E_mail : ct9508@naver.com

Homepage : www.coretech21.com



The Agilent 53210A single-channel, 350 MHz RF frequency counter is optimized to provide fast, precise frequency measurements with a simplified user interface. An optional microwave channel can be added to measure 6 or 15 GHz.


Key Specifications


  • Single-channel, RF frequency counter
  • One 350 MHz input channel, plus optional second channel (6 GHz or 15 GHz)
  • 10 digits/second resolution
  • Built-in math analysis and color, graphical display (trend and histogram)
  • LXI-C/LAN and USB standard, GPIB optional
  • Optional: Lithium Ion Battery



*판매가격 : 문의요망