중고계측기 /RF·Wireless

[중고계측기] Agilent/HP 346A. 346B, 346C, Noise Spurce

코아텍계측기 2014. 3. 21. 21:47









The 346C Broadband Noise Source has the capability of covering the microwave frequency range up to 26.5GHz as well as the UHF and IF ranges. It is unnecessary for the 346C to maintain a different noise source for each frequency band. 

Frequency range: 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz
Excess noise ratio limits: 12 to 16 dB
Power required: 28 +/- 1 Vdc
Low SWR for reducing noise figure (NF) measurement uncertainty
Individually calibrated ENR values at specific frequencies to enhance accuracy






*판매가격 :  문의요망/재고 有



전기,전자,통신용 중고계측기 매입/판매 전문 코아텍계측기


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