- 3 basic semiconductor measurements: I, I-V and quasi-static C-V
- Two programmable voltage sources
- High resolution: 0.001 x 10-12 A
- HP-IB standard
- Measurement Functions: I, I-V and C-V
- Voltage Sources: two separate sources (VA and VB)
VA: ± 100V programmable source/function generator
VB: ± 100V programmable dc voltage source
Measurement Function/Source Selection
- Function: I, I-V, C-V
- Voltage sweep: auto or manual (pause)
Current Measurements
- Displays: current, 3½ digits with 2 character annunciator. Voltage, 3½ digits
- Measurement range: ±0.001 x 10-12 A to 1.000 x 10-2 A full scale in 11 ranges
- Overrange capability: 99.9% on all ranges
- Range selection: auto (lowest current range is selectable) and manual
- Zero Offset: cancels leakage current of test leads or test fixtures
- Offset range: 0 to ± 100 x 10-15 A
- Trigger: INT, EXT and HOLD/MAN
- Input terminal: triaxial
Capacitance-Voltage (C-V) Measurement
- Measurement ranges: 0.0 pF - 100.0 pF and 200 pF - 1000 pF full scale in two ranges; 99.9% overrange
- Ranging: auto
- % C: capacitance change of device under test is displayed as a percent of the set value of the oxide capacitance (Cox = 100%)
- %C range: 0.0% - 199.9%
- Cox setting ranges (2 ranges): 0.1 pF - 199.9 pF and 200 pF - 1999 pF
- Zero offset: cancels stray capacitance of test fixtures and test leads
- Offset range: 0 to 100 pF
- High speed I data output: available with HP-IB interface only. Outputs current measurement data at 4 ms intervals (max rate)
DC Voltage Sources
- Output Modes, VA and VB
VA: Ramp up, Ramp up/down, Staircase up, Staircase up/down, dc
VB: dc - Voltage ranges (VA and VB): 0 to ± 10.00V and 0 to ± 100.0V in 2 ranges, auto range only
- Maximum current: 10 mA, both sources
- Voltage sweep: auto and manual (pause), up/down step in manual (pause) mode. Sweep abort standard
Operating Parameter Setting Ranges
- Start voltage and stop voltage: 0 - ± 10.00V, 0.01V steps; 0 - ± 100.0V, 0.1V steps
- Step voltage: 0 - ± 10.00V, 0.01V steps; 0 - ± 100.0V, 0.1V steps
- Hold time: 0 - 199.9 seconds in 0.1s increments; 0 - 1999 seconds in 1.0s increments
- Step delay time: 0 - 10.00 seconds in 0.01s increments; 0 - 100.0 seconds in 0.1 increments
- Ramp rate (dV/dt): 0.001 V/s - 1.000 V/s in 0.001 V/s increments
Current Measurement
- Range: 10-2 - 10-8, 10-9, 10-10, 10-11, 10-12
Analog Output I, C and VA
- Low pass filter: 3 position: OFF, 0.22s ± 20% and 1s ± 20% applied to both VA and I/C data outputs
- Pen lift output
- Recorder output scaling: push button scaling of lower left and upper right limits of X-Y recorder
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