중고계측기 /Signal Generator

[중고계측기] Credix/Jung Jin SG-1505, SG1505 DAB Signal Generator

코아텍계측기 2014. 5. 20. 15:01





The model SG-1505 is a high-performance RF synthesized signal generator to convert signals generated by an OFDM signal generator into signals in the frequency Bands conformable to the European DAB (Digital Audio Broadcast) standards.

It covers the frequency Band Ⅱ(87.5 ~ 108MHz), Band Ⅲ(174 ~ 250MHz) and Band L(1452 ~ 1492MHz), and controls output level in units of 0.1dB from 0dBm to -120dBm and the frequency in units of 1Hz . Also it is possible to store and recall 300 setting points and is suited for developing and manufacturing of DAB system.  


High performance frequency synthesizer using DDS.
High resolution output frequency : 1Hz
Output range : -120dBm ~ 0dBm
Store recall up to 300 points.
GPIB, RS-232C standard.
VFD Display
Fine tune rotary knob for frequency and output level





*판매가격 :  문의요망/재고 有




전기,전자,통신용 중고계측기 매입/판매 전문 코아텍계측기


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