Key Features & Specifications
- Fast measurement speed (up to 200 readings per second, over the GPIB, with E-series sensors)
- Speed improvement of x2 using the 8480 series power sensor (compared to the 437B)
- No range-switching delays with 8480 series sensors, and only one fast-range switch point with E-series sensors
- Code compatibility with 437B and 436A power meters
- GPIB and RS232 connector for remote control of all functions
- Internal rechargeable battery option provides up to 5.5 hours continuous use (option 001)
The E4418B power meter is designed for bench and automatic test equipment (ATE) use.
- Fast measurement speed (up to 200 readings per second, over the GPIB, with E-series sensors)
- Speed improvement of x2 using the 8480 series power sensor (compared to the 437B)
- No range-switching delays with 8480 series sensors, and only one fast-range switch point with E-series sensors
- Code compatibility with 437B and 436A power meters
- GPIB and RS232 connector for remote control of all functions
- Internal rechargeable battery option provides up to 5.5 hours continuous use (option 001)
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