Yokogawa 3057 Portable Recoder 2채널 PEN 타입입니다.
동작 및 외관상태 아주 양호합니다.
2 pen models
Available with AC power, DC power or battery operation
Weighs only 11 lbs.
Voltage inputs to 50 V
Chart speeds from 60 cm/min to 2 cm/hr
Maximum pen speeds of 300 mm/sec.
remote chart drives
Number of Pens: 2 (pen distance- approx. 5 mm on the time axis)
Writing System: Ink writing using disposable felt-tip pen cartridges
Ink Colors: Red for 1st pen, green for 2nd pen Effective Recording Span: 150 mm (6″)
Accuracy: ±0.5% of effective recording span (includes non-linearity and deadband) at 23±5°C on 500 mV range
Deadband: Less than 0.2% of effective recording span Maximum Pen Speed (Nominal): 300 mm/second
Chart: Z-fold chart (174 mm ´ 15 m; 6-7/8″ 49 ft), or roll chart (174 mm ´ 20 m; 6-7/8″ ´ 66 ft), with calibrated width of 150 mm (100 uniform divisions at 1.5 mm/division), 5 mm uniform divisions on time axis
Chart Drive: Pulse motor drive using crystal oscillator
Chart Speeds: 2, 6, 20, 60 cm/min and cm/h (chart speed accuracy . . . ±0.25%)
Type of Input: Floating
Voltage Ranges: 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 mV, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 V full scale (12 calibrated ranges)
Zero Set: Adjustable for each pen over full effective recording span
Input Resistance: Approx. 1 MW constant on all voltage ranges
Maximum Allowable Source Resistance: 10 kW
Maximum Allowable Input Voltage (Continuous): 50 V DC on 10 to 500 mV ranges, 250 V DC on 1 to 50 V ranges
Maximum Common Mode Voltage: 130 Vrms (sine wave), 180 V DC
Common Mode Rejection: More than 130 dB at power line frequency,or at DC
Normal Mode Rejection: More than 50 dB at power line frequency
Pen Lift: Mechanical for both pens
Operating Position: Vertical or horizontal (vertical only for Z-fold chart)
Warm-up Time: Approx. 15 minutes
Operating Temperature Range: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)
Humidity Range: 40 to 80% relative humidity
Dielectric Strength: 1,500 V AC for one minute between power line and case, 1,000 V AC for one minute between input terminals and case
-판매가 : 문의요망/재고有
.연락처 : 010-오사일공-9508
.이메일 : ct9508@naver.com
.코아텍계측기 홈페이지 : www.coretech21.com