다음은 Chroma 11802 Programmable HF AC Tester의 실사진과 참고자료입니다.
필요하신 분은 아래 연락처로 문의바랍니다.
전기,전자,통신용 중고계측기 매입/판매합니다. ◈제품문의 M.P : 010-오사일공-9508 E_mail : ct9508@naver.com Homepage : www.coretech21.com
Chroma 11802 Programmable HF AC Tester : 500 VA, 20kHz ~ 1MHz
Chroma 11803 Programmable HF AC Tester : 800 VA, 20kHz ~ 1MHz
Chroma 11805 Programmable HF AC Tester : 1,000 VA, 20kHz ~ 1MHz
? HF HV Load Life Test (CV and CC mode)
? HF Withstand Voltage Test (CV and CC mode)
? HF Breakdown Voltage Test (CV mode)
? Test frequency: 20kHz ~1MHz
? Wide output voltage and current range while combine with different module (Module is customized and based on the tester's power)
? Output voltage and current monitor
? Programmable output voltage waveform control
? Cycle count mode or time count mode for load life test timer
? Lower power consumption and lower temperature rising design
? Large LCD display (320 x 240 dot-matrix)
? Built-in digital timer
*판매가격 : 문의요망/재고 有