다음은 보유중인 Tektronix TDS520A,500MHz Digital Oscilloscope로서 동작 및 외관상태 아주 좋습니다.
제품에 대한 문의사항은 아래의 연락처로 주십시요.
*판매가격 : 문의요망/재고 有
M.P : 010-오사일공-9508
E_mail : ct9508@naver.com
Homepage : www.coretech21.com
* Specifications:
Bandwidth: 500 MHz
Number of Channels: 2 ch
Simultaneous Channels: 2 ch
Simultaneous Maximum Sampling Rate/ch: 250 MSa/s
One ch. only max. sampling rate: 500 MSa/s
Max. Single Shot bandwidth: 500 MHz
Max. Record Length: 15000 pt/sec
Min. Vertical Sensitivity: 1 mV/div
Maximum Vertical Sensitivity: 10 V/div
Channel to Channel Delay: 250 ps
Rise time: 700 ps
Number of Bits: 8 bits
Input Impedance: 1 MOhm
Input Impedance (alternate): 50 Ohm
Input Coupling: AC, DC, GND
Maximum Input Voltage: 400 Vrms
Main time base: lowest 500 ps/div
Main time base: highest 10 s/div
Timebase accuracy .005 %
Trigger Source: Internal
Trigger Modes: Auto,Edge,Logic,Normal,Pulse,Single
Minimum Glitch Trigger: 2 ns
Display Type: CRT Monochrome
Display Size: 17.78 cm
Display modes: Dot,Persistence,Vector
Display Update Rate: 130 wv/sec