중고계측기 /Signal Generator

[중고계측기] Keysight/Agilent/HP 83711A,83711B,83712A,83712B,Synthesized CW Generator,신호발생기

코아텍계측기 2016. 4. 27. 20:47

최근 입고된 HP 83711B, 20GHz Synthesized CW Generator로서 동작 및 외관상태 양호하며,

옵션은 1E5가 있습니다.

제품관련 문의사항이 있으시면 아래의 연락처로 문의주십시요.



*판매가 : 문의요망/재고 有


전기,전자,통신용 중고계측기 매입/판매 전문 코아텍계측기


M.P : 010-오사일공-9508

E_mail : ct9508@naver.com

Homepage : www.coretech21.com





  The Agilent/HP 83711B Signal Generator sets a new standard for performance at a price that is surprisingly affordable. No longer will you have to give up frequency coverage, modulation or reliability to meet your budget.

The Agilent (HP) 83711B is a 1 GHz to 20 GHz Synthesized CW Generator that sets a new standard for performance at a price that is affordable. No longer will you have to give up modulation, frequency coverage, or reliability to meet your budget.

The Agilent 83711B signal source will perform beyond your expectations at a price you can afford to test with. Fundamental oscillators and switched low-pass filters deliver
This unit provides plenty of output power (typically >+14 dBm), while spectral purity is maintained even at high power levels (typical output power at frequencies below 1 GHz is +20 dBm). Option 1E1 adds an attenuator.


Other features and specifications include:

  • Frequency Range: 1 GHz - 20 GHz
  • Frequency Resolution: 1 kHz
  • Output Accuracy: +/- 2.0 dB - +/- 2.5 dB
  • Output Range: -4 dBm - +10 dBm
  • Output Resolution: .01 dB
  • Programmable Interface SCPI
  • SSB Phase Noise Range: -107 dBc - -65 dBc
  • Time Base Stability: +/- .01 pp