중고계측기 /Audio·Video·LCD·TV

[중고계측기] Rohde & Schwarz/ R&S/ UPL16 Audio Analyzer

코아텍계측기 2014. 3. 9. 22:00



* Built-in hard disk and disk drive
* Connectors for keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer and plotter
* Centronics interface for connecting printer or network
* Automatic test sequences and measurement programs with universal sequence controller.
  Easy generation of programs with built-in program generator

* RMS value, wideband
* RMS value, selective
* Peak value: peak max, peak min, peak-to- peak, peak absolute
* Quasi-peak
* DC voltage: 0 to 110V
* S/N measurement routine
* FFT analysis
* Total harmonic distortion (THD): 10Hz to 22kHz
* THD+N and SINAD: 10Hz to 22kHz
* Modulation factor (MOD DIST)
  Lower frequency: 30 to 2700 Hz
  Upper frequency: 8xLF to 100kHz

R&S UPL06 - Audio Analyzer P/N 1078.2008.06
R&S UPL16 - Audio Analyzer P/N 1078.2008.16 (for conformance tests on GSM mobile phones)
R&S UPL66 - Audio Analyzer P/N 1078.2008.66 (without display and keypad)

*w/option: B6,B9,B10,U81
R&S UPL-B6 - Extended Analysis Functions P/N 1078.4500.02
R&S UPL-B9 - 3G Mobile Phone Tests P/N 1154.7500.02
R&S UPL-B10 - Universal Sequence Controller P/N 1078.3904.02


*판매가격 : 문의요망/재고有





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