중고계측기 /DMM·LCR·Impedance

[중고계측기] Agilent/HP 4191A RF Impedance Analyzer

코아텍계측기 2014. 3. 10. 13:04








The HP / Agilent 4191A RF Impedance Analyzer measures 14 parameters with a maximum resolution of 4½ digits . The internal synthesizer provides variable frequencies from 1 MHz through 1000 MHz covering the UHF, VHF and video bands with automatic sweep capability. An internal dc bias supply with auto sweep function covers the voltage range of ±40 V in 10 mV steps.

The HP / Agilent 4191A permits reliable measurements over a wide measuring range. Its outstanding repeatability, frequency response and accuracy are made possible by unique error correction capability and specially designed test fixtures. These features allow the 4191A to be used in evaluation of electronic materials, components and circuitry.




  • 1 - 1000 MHz variable test frequency with sweep capability
  • Direct reading of |Z| - Θ, |Y| - Θ, |F| - Θ; L, C-R, G, D, Q, R-X, G-B, Px-Py
  • High resolution - 4½ digit max
  • Wide measuring range- 1 m - 100k (|Z|)
  • Versatile, easy-to-use test fixtures


    ◈ HP 4291B RF Impedance/Material Analyzer 재고有 : 판매가는 문의요망 ◈



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