중고계측기 /DMM·LCR·Impedance

[중고계측기] Agilent/HP 4156A Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer

코아텍계측기 2014. 3. 10. 13:12







The HP/Agilent 4156A is a precision semiconductor parameter analyzer. Digital sweep parameter and a reliable tester, powerful failure analysis tool, and automated incoming inspection tool all in one package. 4 built in SMUs (2 VMUs, and 2 VSU's). The HP/Agilent 4156A extends the current resolution to 1 fA and the accuracy of to 20 fA. It also utilizes full kelvin remote sensing on each SMU. All measurements are displayed on the color CRT screen and the ability to superimpose stored graphics from the graphics memory for comparison is available. Unit includes HPIB or serial output ports.

  • High-resolution/accuracy and wide range. I: 1 fA to 1 A (20 fA offset accuracy), V: 1 µV to 200 V
  • Fully-automated I-V sweep measurements with dc or pulse mode, expandable up to 6 SMUs
  • Synchronized stress/measure function, two high-voltage pulse generator units (±40 V)
  • Time-domain measurement: 60 µS variable intervals, up to 10,001 points
  • Easy to use: knob-sweep similar to curve tracer, automatic analysis functions
  • Automation: built-in HP Instrument BASIC, trigger I/O capability


M.P : 010-오사일공-9508

E_mail : ct9508@naver.com

Homepage : www.coretech21.com