중고계측기 /DMM·LCR·Impedance

[중고계측기] Agilent/HP 4145A Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer

코아텍계측기 2014. 3. 10. 13:24






  • Voltage range:
    • +/-20 V, 1 mV resolution, 100 mA maximum current
    • +/-40 V, 2 mV resolution, 50 mA maximum current
    • +/-100 V, 5 mV resolution, 20 mA maximum current 
  • Current range: +/-1000 pA to +/-100 mA
  • Automatic ranging
  • Maximum withstand voltage: 100 V
  • Maximum voltage between common and GND: Less than +/-42 V
  • Display:
    • CRT, electrostatic focus and deflection, post accelerated, aluminized P-31 phosphor
    • Screen Size: 16 cm (6.25 in) diagonal
    • Screen Resolution : 2048 x 2048 points
  • Arithmetic expressions can be entered and executed directly from the front panel with results displayed on the CRT
    • Arithmetic operators, common and natural log, Napierian constant, absolute, scientific notation, differential calculation
    • Keyboard operation: Arithmetic expressions are executed by pressing the EXECUTE key
    • User functions: Up to two USER FUNCTION can be defined as arithmetic expressions. USER FUNCTIONS are executed during measurement and the results are displayed with measurement results
    • Physical Constants: Three commonly used physical constants are permanently stored in memory. The stored value of each constant has seven-digit accuracy but only the five most significant digits are displayed
  • Analysis functions: Overlay graph comparison, auto retrieve function, marker movement on a plotted line or curve, interpolation
  • CURSOR : on a GRAPHICS plot, the CURSOR is two intersecting and perpendicular lines that can be positioned at any point on the graph. There are two GRAPHICS cursors : LONG and SHORT. The X, Y 1, and Y2 coordinates at the CURSOR location are digitally displayed on the CRT
  • Self-Test function
  • HP-IB interface




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