The 371B, the industry leader in high-power curve tracers, performs DC parametric characterization on a wide variety of power semiconductors including thyristors, SCRs, IGBTs and power MOSFETs. The high-voltage collector mode permits testing the Off-Characteristics of a device up to 3,000 volts. The pulsed high-current collector mode provides output current pulses greater than 400 amps peak to test on-Characteristics and permits high-power testing up to 3,000 watts. In the sweep measurement mode, the 371B automatically constructs a family of curves while stimulating the device with low-duty-cycle pulses. With this capability, power curves can be displayed without excessive heating of the device.
Features & Benefits
- High-resolution DC Parametric Measurements With the 370B (Resolution Down to 1 pA or 2 µV)
- High Voltage and Current Sourcing With the 371B (Up to 3,000 V or 400 A)
- Built-in Cursor Measurements - Dot, Window and Function Line
- Kelvin Sense Measurements
- Sweep Measurement Mode
- Waveform Comparison and Averaging
- Fully Programmable
- 1.44 MB Floppy Drive Stores Setup and Bitmap of Curves
- Direct Hardcopy with Third-party Printer
- Parametric Characterization of Semiconductors
- Failure Analysis
- Data Sheet Generation
- Manufacturing Test
- Process Monitoring and Quality Control
- Incoming Inspection
- Component Matching
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