분류 전체보기 1497

[중고계측기] 안리쯔/Anritsu MS9001B/ Optical Spectrum Analyzer, 광 스펙트럼

◈제품문의 M.P : 010-오사일공-9508 E_mail : ct9508@naver.com Homepage : www.coretech21.com The MS9001B and MS9001B1 are the latest multfunctonal optical spectrum analyzers with high-speed and accurate measurement capablties. The MS9001B/B1 is best for optical commununication wavelengths. The MS9001B/B1 covers wavelengths up to 1.75 um and can be used to measure 1.55 u..

[중고계측기] 안리츠/Anritsu ML9050A Standard Optical Power Meter, 광파워미터, 광파워메터

◈제품문의 M.P : 010-오사일공-9508 E_mail : ct9508@naver.com Homepage : www.coretech21.com -기능 Uncertainty is guaranteed Wide temp & humidity range 2s reponse & short calibr time DC calibration function Averaging function Ni-P black body absorber Used amorphous Ge material Measurement Accuracy: 2% *판매가격 : 문의요망/재고有

[중고계측기] Boonton 1120(Audio Analyzer) + Boonton 8200(Modulation Analyzer)

1)Boonton 1120(Audio Analyzer) 2)Boonton 8200(Modulation Analyzer) 1)Boonton 1120(Audio Analyzer) Source : 10Hz ~ 140KHz, 0 ~ 6V Sweep Analyzer Freq Counter : 5Hz ~ 200KHz Measure and Diaplay : Auto Freq Distortion, SINAD, S/N Ratio, AC/DC, Level Psophometric(CCITT) Band 내장 GP-IB 2)Boonton 8200(Modulation Analyzer) ​ ※ 전원 인가후 부팅시 ERROR 33 발생 Frequen..