분류 전체보기 1497

[중고계측기] Panasonic/Levear VP-7723D Audio Analyzer /오디오어날라이져

The Levear/Panasonic VP7723D is a precision Audio Source/Analyzer. The levear VP-7723D is equipped with a low distortion signal source, measurement functions of AC level, DC level, distortion, frequency and wow & flutter (Factory option). In addition to various filters including 20 kHz pre-LPF which are essential for digital audio measurement, the audio analyzers have pre-set ..

[중고계측기] Panasonic VP-7723B Audio Analyzer /오디오어날라이져

Description This low cost digitizing oscilloscope offers a 100MHz bandwidth, 500MS/s sample rate, 2 channels, and 2mV to 10 v/div sensitivity. With acquisition modes: sample, envelope, average and peak detect, the TDS320 Digital Storage Oscilloscope captures glitches as narrow as 10 ns using hardware at all time/div settings between 25 µs/div and 2.5 s/div. A record length o..

[중고계측기] 파나소닉/Panasonic VP-8132A AM/FM Stereo Signal Generator /신호발생기

This Panasonic VP-8132A Stereo Signal Generator with FM/AM Stereo Modulator is used and in excellent condition Configuration • FM and AM Stereo (C-QUAM) Modulation • 0.01 to 280 MHz Range • 19 dBm Output *판매가격 : 문의요망 ◈제품문의 .연락처 : 010-오사일공-9508 .이메일 : ct9508@naver.com .코아텍계측기 홈페이지 : www.coretech21.com

[중고계측기] Kikusui KSG3420/KSG3421/KGS-3420/KSG-3421 RDS/RDBS Signal Generator (신호발생기)

▶ 개요 KSG3420은 「EN50067:1998」에 준거한 RDS(Radio Data System), 「UNITED STATES RBDS STANDARD」에 준거한 (일부를 제외하고)RBDS(Radio Broadcast Data System), 및 TRI(=ARI) 신호를 발생하는 기기입니다. KSG3410의 기능을 계승한 외에 RDS/RBDS의 EON을 사용한 복수 방송국에 의한 실제 방송의 시뮬레이션“EON 네트..

[중고계측기] Agilent/HP 8903B Audio Analyzer/ 오디오 어널라이져/ 오디오분석기

Features 20 Hz to 100 kHz frequency range Measures distortion, SINAD, signal-to-noise, true-rms ac volts, dc volts, and frequency Contains low-distortion programmable source Provides rms, average, and quasi-peak detection Fully programmable (HP-IB) 0.001% to 100%(1 dB accuracy) distortion ranges 0 to 99.99 dB (1 dB accuracy) SINAD range 0.3 mV to 300 V (2% accuracy) AC level 4..